Industry depends on the ability to mix and pump products and waste streams


Industry depends on the ability to mix and pump products and waste streams. NCS has the products to do all of this and more, with pumps, mixers, macerators, and dewatering equipment. At NCS, we have a long history in the industry sector of  wastewater operations and management. With the our lineup of equipment, we can provide pumping systems, a variety of mixing options, venturi aeration pumps and portable engine-driven options.



  • Treatment of vegetable, fruits, sludge and waste
  • Dewatering of grain residues in distilleries and breweries
  • Separation of slurry, straw, sawdust and stomach contents of animals
  • Separation of animal by-products
  • Dewatering of pulp and paper products



  • Reduction of disposal costs of up to 75%
  • Reduction of unpleasant odor
  • Reduced labor and maintenance costs
  • Reduced pollution and environmental impact

